Sunday, 6 November 2016

Helmets Don't Prevent Kids' Motocross Concussions

Helmets Don't Prevent Kids' Motocross Concussions - that's the headline of a post on the website two weeks ago which reported the preliminary results of a long-term study.

A team of investigators tracked 35 boys ages 8 to 17 who competed in motocross events on tracks sanctioned by the American Motorcycle Association over a 10 year period to 2014.

All routinely wore mandated safety equipment: helmets, shatterproof goggles, protective boots and pants, and long-sleeve jerseys, the researchers said.

More than 85 percent (30 riders) were injured while competing or practising, and nearly half suffered concussion despite the use of helmets.  One of the boys died from his injuries.

Nearly three-quarters suffered some orthopedic injury. Among 32 fractures, broken legs were most common, but broken arms, ankles and collarbones were reported, too.

Lower extremity fracture risk was found to be twice as high as upper extremity risk, and surgery was performed in more than 80 percent of the lower fracture cases, the study revealed.

 The study concluded that competitive motocross athletes younger than 18 years suffer serious, potentially life-threatening injuries despite the required use of protective safety equipment in AMA sanctioned events. Injuries were more common during competition (30) than during practice (5).

Go here and search on "motocross" to find a detailed summary of the study as presented on Sunday 23 October at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics in San Francisco.