It's just in the wrong location, even if judged only on the number of people impacted.
The Qld Moto Park at Wyaralong, on the other hand, is an example of a properly located motocross facility - there are only about 120 people living within 4km. At the Adare site, here are 900 people living within 4km of the proposed motocross property, including a lot of young people who don't need their nights and weekends blighted by motocross and traffic noise.

[1] Compiled using the 2011 Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census Data for the localities closest in proximity to the proposed development. Where census data is not available at the necessary scale for a locality, extrapolations have been made from an adjacent locality close to the proposed development.
[2] Note: 0-19 years includes those aged 0-14 years.
[3] Sources: and Google Earth imagery and overlays to locate houses and properties within specified radii of the properties.
The $4 million QMP (Queensland Moto Park) facility between Beaudesert and Boonah was developed through the efforts of the SEQ Council of Mayors, the SEQ Councils, and the State Government.
The LVRC Mayor, Steve Jones, as the Chair of the SEQ Council of Mayors Trail Bike Task Force, played a significant part over a number of years in the development of the project. The QMP Wyaralong facility is a well-planned site following strict design and operating criteria.
Clearly, even judging only by the number of dwellings and residents adjacent to the site, the location of the proposed Adare development has not been well planned.